Global Comparisons

Global Comparisons

A Breakdown of the Followed Standards and Restrictions Governing the Amount of Emissions from Cement Production in some Arab and European Countries, Compared to those Set by the World Bank and the Ones Actually Applied by the National Cement Company in the Design and Operation of its Cement Plant: ( Measurement in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3).
Wavelength Structure
Country Emission Limits Applied in some Arab and Non-Arab Countries World Bank standards NCC Designing Standards Actual Measurements of NCC Plant's smokestack /chimneys in milligrams per cubic meter
Saudi Arabia 150 30 30 • Smokestacks of the Coal-Powered Plant (4.2)
Syria 250
Italy 300 • Smokestacks of the Raw Material Mills (13.62)
France 150
Sweden 150 • Smokestacks of the Coal-Powered Mill. (9.8)
US 70
Germany 100l • Smokestack of the Furnace Cooler (24.1)
Australia 250 • Smokestack of the Cement Mill No. (1) (0.96)
Britain 100 • Smokestack of the Cement Mill No. (2). (13.71)