Types of Pozlana

Portland Pozzolana Cement

  • Portland Pozzolana cement is featured by having different specifications and ingredients from other types of Portland cements.
  • It is composed of (70% -80%) of Portland cement, added to that a ratio of (15-20%) of Pozzolana. ( Pozzolana is a naturally siliceous, aluminous and volcanic material extracted directly from volcanic mountains.
  • It is produced by adding Pozzolana to the ordinary Portland cement clinker.
  • Types and sources of pozzalana:
  • Natural renewable pozlana resulting from ash and lava.
  • Industrial pozlana resulting from recycling factory waste.
  • Coal ash from burning coal for power plants.
  • Iron slag resulting from the residues of burning iron in the furnace of iron and steel factories.
It is not subject to any reactions neither does it need any chemical additives. Therefore, it is recommended to use it as the different uses of this material brings no no damages or negative effects.
Wavelength Structure
pozzolanic cement

Types of pozzolanic cement

  • PULVERISED FUEL ASH AFA consists of mixing ordinary pozzolanic cement with OPC with 20-30% of coal ash.
  • GGBFS It consists of mixing ordinary Portland cement (OPC) with 70% iron slag.
  • POZZLANA CEMENT PPC PORTLAND consists of mixing OPC ordinary Portland cement with 20-30% of natural pozzolana.
pozzolanic cement

Characteristics and Properties of NCC Portland Pozzolana Cement

  • Portland Pozzolana cement plays a very important role in making cement paste PPC plays a role in making cement paste, plastic and malleable (for doing internal and external finishes.
  • PPC reduces the heat generated from the first phase of water is added.
  • It reduces cement permeability in plain and enforced concrete.
  • It improves the plastic and bonding feature of cement grout (to be suitable for plastering).
  • It acts as a heat insulator (it reduces electric power consumption used for lighting and air conditioning).
  • It has the property of absorbing any noise and helps in reducing sound echoing, that is, it has an excellent acoustic property.
  • It increases fire resistance (due to that Pozzolana has silica and alumina, this type of cement tolerates high temperatures during fires; thus, we see that furnace chimneys are made of PPC.)
  • It has a high resistance sulfates, chlorides and acids.
  • It has a high resistance to interaction of alkalis with silicate.
  • It reduces porosity and permeability and increases the surface of the granules.
  • It reduces cement permeability in plain and enforced concrete.
  • It has high sulfate resistance (All construction works and buildings done along coastal areas or on on soil rich with dissolved sulfate).
  • It has an overtime resistance to weathering conditions (Actually, archaeological monuments and historical sites are built of rocks of a volcanic origin. A living testimony is the presence of old Roman palaces).
  • It reduces the high temperature generated by high C3S content.

Cement Buzolana in European specifications


Benefits and Advantages of Pozzolanic Portland Cement Uses

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At the Level of company Cement Plant:

  • The productivity of the plant increases because the temperature drops down.
  • The amount of energy, heat and electric consumption would be reduced.
  • Carbon dioxide emission would decrease.
  • The cost of concrete production is reduced because of adding Pozzolana.
  • Disease rates among staff and workers of NCC plant would drop down.
  • Environmental pollution is limited and reduced in the plant's site and NCC surrounding areas.
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At the level of the Concrete Quality

  • The concrete made of Portland Pozzolana cement would be easily compacted, more ductile, smoother and better handled and dealt with when cast and poured.
  • PPC concrete would be easier to pump to the site.
  • Water used at the time of making of any concrete mixes would be reduced.
  • A smooth surface of the concrete would be obtained after casting it.
  • This type of concrete would save effort, time and manpower to produce it.
  • Concrete resistance to alkali reaction would be enhanced.
  • Concrete bonding would be stronger.
  • Concrete resistance to sulfates and acids is augmented.
  • PPC Concrete resistance to any thermal activities is increased.
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At the Level of Environment :

  • Since adding Pozzolana material reduces. Carbon dioxide emission in ordinary cement production, then this would reduce global warming.
  • The impacts and damage done to human health would decrease due to the emission of gases from ordinary cement manufacturing.
  • There would be a cleaner environment by recycling industrial by-products resulting from power stations and metal factories operations.
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At the Level of Buildings and Structures

  • The life time of buildings / structures is raised by the increase in the life time of the building materials.
  • The consumption of the amount of energy would be reduced.
  • Thermal insulation would be decreased.
  • Corrosion of iron used in reinforced concrete would be limited and lowered.
  • Thermal cracking would be prevented.
  • The building's resistance to sulfate and acid is stronger.
  • Water consumption would drop down.
  • Effort, time and manpower would be reduced.
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At the level of the National Economy :

  • Large amounts of water used in the making of concretes, blocks and construction of buildings would be saved and thus used in producing ordinary cements.
  • Clinker raw materials used to make ordinary cement would be saved for future generations. Costs of ordinary cement production would be reduced.
  • Diseases caused by ordinary cement manufacturing would decrease.
  • Environmental pollution is limited and reduced.
  • Reducing the percentage of global warming as result of cement manufacturing is another advantage.